Each hard wax perform well on sensitive skin because of our quality ingredients and manufacturing process.
Though, our Simpli Zen is 100% synthetic, fragrance FREE and it's clean formulation contains no pine rosin or bees wax. Giving you peace of mind about allergic or sensitivity risks.
In any instance a client is identified as being highly sensitive, perform a test patch.
PRO: grabs fine hairs and ideal for larger areas of the body.
CON: cannot be re-applied because it's adherence level to skin may cause more bruising or may pull skin off.
CON: maybe more uncomfortable because it adheres to skin more than hard wax.
PRO: less painful on the face than soft wax.
PRO: grabs shorter hair and can be waxed over the same area.
PRO: hair follicles and pores open up from the heat, making it much easier to pull the hair out.
PRO: adheres less to the skin making a better waxing experience.